Hello! I am a Berlin based UI/UX designer with more than 10 years of digital design experience.

Pretty Hotels
Pretty Hôtels is an exclusive selection of exceptional places to stay. I have been supporting the platform since day one with UX, design, consulting and technology.

eBay Kleinanzeigen
Mobile Apps & Website
As Lead Product Designer i was responsible for UX & UI design of eBay Kleinanzeigens mobile (iOS, Android & mWeb) and desktop platforms.

Webapp & Websites
Careship is an online marketplace for elderly care. I support their product team as UX/UI & product designer.

BER — Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
While working at Aperto i created the digital styleguide for BER Airport.

Corporate Design & Website
Pol-Int is an online platform to exchange and network in the field of scholarly study of Poland. I created the corporate identity and the UI-Design.

While working as Lead Product Designer at Motor-Talk.de, we created the MOTOR-AGENT tool. It helps customers to find the right car for their needs based on an intuitive questionnaire.

Webapp & Landingpage
textengine.io is a platform for the automated creation of texts. The technology is based on artificial intelligence. I support the product team with UX/UI design.

While working at Aperto i redesigned the WWF website and digital campaigns with a focus on donation conversion optimization.

ZDF tivi
Web App
While working as art director at Aperto/IBM, we created the ZDF tivi web app. This kids focussed service offers ZDF TV-Shows and video episodes in an intuitive and easy to use interface.

EP NewsHub
In collaboration with the European Parliament, we created the EP Newshub. It aggregates the MEP social-media activities and shows trending topics within the European Parliament.

unicef — Wasser wirkt
Campaign Website
By starting a custom interactive band with your friends, this microsite helped to earn donations for clean water in the third world. In collaboration with PeachBeach we created interactive customizable characters.
WWF, Aperto, SOS Kinderdorf, Welthungerhilfe, Berliner Flughäfen, Technisches Hilfswerk, Rehau, Auswärtiges Amt, BZ, Continental, Siemens, ZDF, EZB, Baden-Württemberg, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, beBerlin, WeightWatchers, Studieren in Fernost, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom, WatchBerlin, Stadt Gütersloh, zanox, Hotel Q!, Anett Röstel, Unrath & Strano, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt, Dressed like Machines, Auctionata, DirectLine, Melisch Architekten, Pretty Hotels, eBay Kleinanzeigen, Motor-Talk, MisterSpex, CZYWRK, careship, SMITH – Seyffert mit Himmelspach, Milkmonkey, Haus der kleinen Forscher, dentolo, doctari, Beelinguapp, BIOCOM, Mibelle, retresco
Ping me! If you have a nice project coming up or you want to collaborate, just send me a note.